Xlsform standard is generic and very-flexible, capable of providing skip logic, calculations, cascaded filtering, single/multi selection questions, sub-forms and can capture image, video, audio etc. A user manual on how to build XLSForm – file format being used by Open Data Kit (ODK) tools – using MS Excel is also available for those who are interested on designing and deploying other ODK-based survey forms. For more powerful form designers, try XLSForm, Vellum, or Kobo, or PurcForms. Share the XML file with anyone else who will be collecting data and needs to download the form on their Android device. This training course will teach learners how to collect field data using ODK, KoBo Toolbox, Advanced ODK Servers, CSPro for Mobile, Survey CTO, offline (Hartung et al.
Odk xlsform offline ODK provides an out-of-the-box solution for users to: Build a data collection form or survey (XLSForm is recommended for larger forms)